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St. Michael’s Family Health Centre

Contact Info

Business Hours

St. Michael’s Family Health Centre Doctors

Dr. Rebecca Tang

Dr. Vernie Yee
Language: Chinese

St. Michael’s Family Health Centre About

St. Michael’s has been providing compassionate care and safe accommodation for one of the most vulnerable sectors of our society – seniors. This care is open to all who require it, and providing a quality of life in a home-like environment is the daily focus of our staff. We are dedicated to providing wellness-focused holistic care and offer several levels of accommodation in multiple facilities and various programs in Edmonton and the surrounding area. With a focus on innovative, quality, resident-centered care, our goal is to continually grow and be adaptable to ensure we provide the care seniors deserve.

Who We Are

St. Michael’s Health Group is a healthcare organization providing long-term care, supportive housing, programs, and services to the seniors of our community.

Incorporated in 1976 under St. Michael’s Extended Care Centre Society, it was originally created to meet an urgent and growing need for nursing care for individuals of various ethnic backgrounds in the Edmonton area.

With the evolution of our healthcare system and the needs of our aging population changing, St. Michael’s expanded and diversified. A series of partnerships were established with other volunteer organizations, developers, community advisory committees, educational institutions, unions, businesses, and suppliers. The organization now offers a variety of programs on and off-site, in various geographical settings, and also operates several business ventures to help sustain the operations.